Charlie Thurston, Steve Feingold, Bill Haase & Hank Oster
Charlie Thurston
Title: President, Comcast Spotlight
Years in Cable: 34
Education: Williams College
Steve Feingold
Title: SVP, Operations and Strategic Planning, Comcast Spotlight
Years in Cable: 30+
Education: Drew University; MBA, Temple University
Bill Haase
Title: SVP, Finance and Administration, Comcast Spotlight
Years in Cable: 12
Education: Michigan State U.
Hank Oster
Title: SVP/GM, Comcast Spotlight
Years in Cable: 30+
With Comcast Spotlight already in nearly one out of three homes in the U.S. and generating more than $2 billion in revenue, its place as an industry leader is clear. But it’s these four executives’ combined commitment to excellence, best practices and continually improving processes that drives Spotlight’s success in reuniting an audience increasingly fragmented across networks, providers and devices. Together, they’ve focused on expanding the I+ platform and its ability to put advertisers’ messages before more eyeballs that ever before, growing the Comcast Media 360 unit, and establishing the LAMP Awards to recognize local business excelling at multi-screen advertising. In 2013 their sales force laid the groundwork to capitalize on 2014’s biggest advertising events: the Sochi Olympics and mid-term elections.