Amy Lynch
Title: Area VP, Comcast Southwest Bay, CA
Years in Cable: 16
Education: UCONN; Tuck School of Business Executive Leadership
Best Advice: Carpe Diem.
Why Her? Fear of heights didn’t stop Lynch from jumping out of an airplane at 14,000 feet to celebrate her 30th birthday. At Comcast, nothing has stopped her from achieving superior operating results, improving customer service and, uh… heightening employee engagement.
I watch the majority of programming on this device: Xfinity TV
My favorite business/motivational book: The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Peale
TV show I’d most like to have a cameo in? Jimmy Fallon’s Grass Roots Band – NBC’s Tonight Show
The technology that will most benefit cable over the next year is: Xfinity TV on the X1 platform
Favorite Restaurant: Gary Danko, San Francisco
Favorite vacation spot: Amalfi Coast
The last time I had a good laugh: Yesterday! I’ve got a great team – we work hard but have a lot of fun too!
The biggest innovation in cable over the last year is: Xfinity TV on the X1 platform