Amy Introcaso-Davis
Introcaso-Davis is behind five ratings winners for GSN, including “Skin Wars,” which had the highest-rated finale in network history, and “The American Bible Challenge.” Expect much more from this smart and strategic exec as the net partners with some of the industry’s most creative producers. She is inspired by fellow honoree Dale Hopkins’ “incredible mind, constant curiosity, and boundless energy.”
What’s the most important aspect of mentoring?
Mentoring works best when you can identify your mentees strengths and help amplify them. It’s important to stand back and objectively look at what is good for them and not superimpose what was right for you as everyone’s path to success is different.
What/who inspires you at work? What/who inspires you outside the office?
Fellow honoree Dale Hopkins continues to inspire me everyday. Her incredible mind, constant curiosity,and boundless energy are at a level I can only dream to attain. I am lucky enough to have 3 children who have recently graduated college. I am inspired by their spirit entering into a workforce at a time that is incredibly challenging and much more competitive than when I started.
Your favorite trick for unwinding?
I love a small, intimate dinner party. Nothing better than that!