What You Need To Know Now…
Cisco’s Next Stock Booster
As competition in cloud-storage apps become more popular, Cisco is eyeing the personal cloud, and it may be in the process of developing a personal cloud storage system in conjunction with its recently introduced "Videoscape Unity" multiscreen product. Cisco’s stock reportedly is performing beyond industry averages, notes National Traders Association, and adding personal cloud storage to its existing portfolio could ramp share prices down the line. And there is a market: Forrester Research predicts the number of Americans now subscribed to personal clouds could increase 400 percent in the next five years, equating to 196 million subs; nearly 100 million would be willing to pay for the service.
The Big Wireless Guys Are Getting Bigger
Based on some 3Q12 numbers it just crunched, Fitch Ratings believes there will be even more market-power consolidation among the top four U.S. wireless carriers due recent transactions or strategic investment activities. And it could get worse if DISH, which just got the FCC nod to use 40 megahertz of AWS-4 spectrum to operate a terrestrial-based wireless broadband service, actually partners with Sprint, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile USA or AT&T to build out a LTE Advanced network. In light of all this, smaller players need to come up with partnership/merger/marketing plans to compete regionally with these giants.