Watch This Space!
The times (and the content), they are a’changin’. Starting Monday, the new Communications Technology+Business, The Broadband Daily will offer CT Reports subscribers more product news; more technical updates; more federal, state and local industry/legislative/regulatory happenings; more key personnel updates; more insider buzz; and more forward-looking business intelligence to help technicians, executives and marketers working in the broadband arena (all things voice, video and data) to better serve their companies and their subscribers. Same daily delivery, different name+enhanced content!?
Written by the editors of Communications Technology magazine and presented in an easy-to-navigate, breezy-conversational-style format, Communications Technology+Business also offers a beefed-up jobs board and a classified-ad section aimed at providing readers with a way of buying or selling equipment. ?
The broadband industry is growing and expanding, and so are we. Watch this space!