Verizon 4Q – FiOS Holds On Despite Sandy, Pension Changes
| January 23, 2013
The 4Q was a tough one for Verizon: Due to Hurricane Sandy and a 1-time pension charge, its net loss almost doubled to $4bln from the year-ago quarter. However, perhaps thanks to Verizon’s aggressive copper-to-fiber migration strategy, particularly during the hurricane, FiOS remained a bright spot. Here’s why.
Dodgers Net: It’s all over but the shouting. And when costly sports rights are involved, expect plenty of shouting. Multiple reports have the Dodgers partnering with Time Warner Cable to launch the team’s own RSN. We take a look at what sort of shouts are to come.
Energy Alert: The Dept of Energy has scheduled a public meeting for Feb 27 in DC on its proposal for establishing a new test procedure for measuring power consumption of set-top boxes. Cable hopes to avoid formal regulations, which is part of the reason for last month’s energy efficiency announcement.
Ratings: CNN was tops among cable news nets in Fast Nationals for Inauguration Day. Read on for how the other nets did as well as numbers from the return of hockey.