AMC has created a global community of ardent AMC viewers online with, which features original online content and access to recently aired episodes of AMC shows. With video content centered around 4 AMC hit shows, “The Walking Dead,” “Hell on Wheels,” “Breaking Bad” and “Mad Men,” the site saw the number of unique visitors during 2013 increase 27% YOY, averaging 10.9 million a month. The number of monthly visits increased 36% YOY to an average of 15.1 million per month. The site also saw a 13% increase in page views, which averaged 60.4 million a month. Those numbers say one thing: AMC knows how to engage its fans with video content, and to keep growing them across platforms.
Honorable Mentions
Discovery Education – Siemens STEM Academy
The Siemens STEM Academy video on Discovery Education, designed to empower educators and celebrate excellence in STEM, was viewed 2,000 times since its Fall debut.
Turner Sports – netted around 9.5 billion page views and 5.6 billion video streams, both all-time records. In addition, NBA Mobile tallied more than 86 million page views during the regular season with mobile visits growing nearly 50% YOY.
Turner Sports –’s PGA Championship LIVE
The new and improved design, including a larger screen devoted to video and a responsive design, helped increase live streaming across platforms by 69% over 2012. Overall, saw a 12% YOY increase in visits and a 9% improvement in page views in 2013.

The Daily


Charter CEO Talks Broadband Moves, Next Steps for Video

For Charter CEO Chris Winfrey, when you push one-time events aside, the underlying trend for subscribers is actually slightly better YOY.

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Cablefax 100 Awards Nominations Open November 13th, 2024.
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