TV Stars Do Their Bit To Pump Up Ad Sales
BY ANDREA FIGLER The Television Critics Association (TCA) semi-annual press tour is not just for critics anymore. Cable marketers and local account executives can now use television snippets featuring the stars of the new programs that were presented during the tour in Hollywood last week to sell advertising, promote networks and even push cable subscriptions. While the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) has been organizing the cable portion of the tour, presented by the networks semiannually to critics from media publications, the Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau jumped on board this year and filmed short interviews with the stars after they chatted with the press. Operators can use these interviews to sell advertising on cable. “You want a short, sweet bite that tells you what the show’s about,” said Steve Raddock, spokesman for the CAB. In the snippets, the stars share their perspective on their particular programs and why they’re unique. Raddock also is providing a satellite feed of the clips to the Cable and Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) so other cable executives can use it for program promotion. The feed, which can be requested as early as this week, will be available July 24. Ronald Pancratz, Cable One’s VP of ad sales, was unaware of the satellite feed when asked about it, but he expressed interest. “I think it could be pretty fun and effective… It’s all part of the sizzle that we sell,” he said.