Survey Sez 10/25/12
“Steady, albeit slow, growth is in store for the macrocell mobile backhaul equipment market,” notes Michael Howard, principal analyst/co-founder of Infonetics Research. “While Verizon Wireless and AT&T are winding down their first big wave of LTE deployments and their spending is slowing, this is a large market and there’s still room for growth. We’re expecting a cumulative $43.6 billion to be spent on macrocell mobile backhaul equipment over the 5 years from 2012 to 2016, as operators outside of North America buy up microwave gear to support rising capacity requirements.” More info: Infonetics predicts the macrocell mobile backhaul equipment market will grow to $9.7 billion by 2016; 94 percent of all macrocell mobile backhaul equipment spending is on IP/Ethernet gear, with 54 percent of this on packet-capable microwave; and Ethernet mobile backhaul router revenue will peak in 2015 as the buildout of macrocell mobile backhaul subsides and the focus shifts to small cells.