Study: FTTH Revenue Tops DSL
That fiber to the home (FTTH) is broadly implemented is not news, but what services are making profits and where the future trends are is the subject of Yankee Group and FTTH Council Europe findings released in conjunction with the FTTH Council Europe Conference today.
As part of the study, Yankee Group analyzed the portfolios of 20 global next-generation access service providers and interviewed key executives in these organizations. Following up on the December 2008 Yankee Group Report "Fiber to the World: A State of the Union Report on FTTH," Yankee Group analysts chart the course for the global expansion and profitability of FTTH. Key findings include:
. Providers with legacy DSL services have found that FTTH generates ARPU of 20 percent to 30 percent higher than DSL.
. A number of FTTH operations around the world have broken even already, after only a few years of operation.
. HDTV is increasingly a key acquisition driver, but requires the whole content ecosystem to shift to HD to succeed.
. The next wave of revenues will come from further integration of wireline and wireless networks as well as wider economy services such as home security and tele-education.
. Two-way video communication will be the enabler service that truly allows the bloom of partnership-driven wider economy services.