Former Insight pres/COO Kim Kelly joined Arroyo as pres/CEO. Founding CEO Paul Sherer will become evp, CTO. Funny, we knew about this Fri, but were told there was an embargo and that it "would NOT be appropriate to put this into CableFAX Daily on Monday-Tuesday yes, please!" Apparently the release date of the news was changed, but nobody told us. Embargoes are a 2-way street. If you expect us to honor them, please do the same.

The Daily


FCC Signs MOUs With More States on Data Privacy

The FCC ’s Privacy and Data Protection Task Force and Enforcement Bureau have struck Memorandums of Understanding with five additional state attorneys general tied to privacy, data protection and

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Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
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