Small Operators Can Offer "TV Everywhere" Via Synacor
Synacor is targeting independent pay-TV operators in small rural and mid-sized markets with its "TV Everywhere for Everyone" (TVEE) campaign. The company says only subscribers in larger markets have access to TV Everywhere offerings, and it aims to fix that.
"It simply makes sense that small-town America should be a priority, along with major metropolitan areas, when it comes to TV Everywhere," said Synacor President and CEO Ron Frankel, in a statement.
Synacor, having provided TV Everywhere services for a number of cable and satellite customers, has completed integrations with 24 authenticated pay-TV channels and more than 30 free channels delivering TV shows and movies. The company specializes in the TVE search and discovery experience based on metadata as well as providing mediation and authentication for the TVE subscriber experience across multiple laptop, tablet, and mobile smart devices.