Show News
| May 4, 2004
S-A [SFA] unveiled its multi-room DVR solution, the Explorer 8300. Time Warner already has the box in field trials in an undisclosed system. The 8300 is an in-home media center that can be accessed by up to 3 other, non-DVR Explorer set-tops in the home. — Microsoft [MSFT] announced the latest upgrade to its digital cable software platform—"Microsoft TV Foundation Edition 1.7." The upgrade will be the 1st platform to support Motorola’s [MOTO] DCT6412 dual tuner, HD set-top. — Charter [CHTR] extended its existing agreement with OpenTV [OPTV] for an additional year. OpenTV powers the MSO’s "Charter iTV" suite. OpenTV also has reupped its licensing agreement with Motorola for another 5 years.