Sell Your Plasma
Panasonic is working up another combo plasma HDTV set/digital cable promotion, in the wake of its NBC Athens Olympics co-venture with CTAM’s "OnlyCableCan" outreach. (CTAM already is engaged in its next HD/DC-hawing effort, the Samsung/In Demand concert series unveiled last week.) "We did pretty well…judging from feedback at Comcast and other operators," said Peter Fannon, Panasonic’s vp of tech policy and regulatory affairs. Fannon showed off a new ad campaign for HD sets available this holiday season and debunked notions about plasma’s inferiority to other HD display formats. One myth busted: Plasma sets fall prey more often to burn-in of static images. Not true, execs said, adding that Panasonic models use new burn-in resistant phosphors. – Simon Applebaum