Sapan's Stump
Rainbow CEO Josh Sapan returned to a familiar soapbox Wed, saying original, exclusive content will make or break VOD. Success for VOD will not rest in the number of movies available in a library, he told Kagan’s VOD Summit in a reference to last month’s MGM acquisition by Sony, with Comcast nabbing rights for VOD content and co-development of diginets. NBC Uni Cable new-media svp Jean-Briac Perrette offered a semi-rebuttal. Acknowledging that first-run matters most long-term, "repurposing got a bad rap…VOD is a new window for product and we’re trying to insert this new window for off-network/cable product. As such, it has tremendous value to operators." VOD Content-pourri: NBC Uni Cable’s 1st VOD offering will be a repurposed/repackaged mix, Perrette said. One idea: repackaging "Today" cooking/gardening/health segment collections. "We’re the biggest small [VOD] start-up around," he boasted. Initial rollout/programming details are a month or so away — Disney Channel’s SVOD package will introduce an ITV element early next year; during "Kim Possible," viewers can make "virtual trading cards" pop up on-screen with a remote click. Each contains info on a Possible character or plot line. "Kids can collect them, get a set and get more content," Disney/ESPN Nets svp Albert Cheng says. (Simon Applebaum)