RCN Opens App Store on TiVo
| March 4, 2014
The Opera TV Store is set to offer hundreds of entertainment apps through TiVo set-tops for RCN subscribers. The MSO is the first pay-TV provider to launch Opera Software’s app platform, provided by Norwegian developer Opera Software, on TiVo platform.
The Opera TV Store on TiVo is an app “storefront.” The apps would allow subs to synchronize their social network account information, play games, check the weather and create a personalized list of their favorite apps for easy access. The storefront is available immediately to all RCN TiVo customers. Those RCN homes that have a TiVo box installed have already been updated and can access and begin using the feature.
“The launch of Opera TV Store provides our customers with a truly game-changing experience on their television. RCN is committed to bringing the best interactive entertainment to our customers. The addition of RCN’s Opera TV Store on TiVo expands the ways our customers can consume the content they want, when they want, on one of the most important screens in their home,” said Chris Fenger, Chief Operating Officer at RCN. “This new TiVo feature adds innovation, depth and more great services to our RCN offering and is another way RCN is improving our customers’ experience and delivering the most value and best choices.”