Programming Spat
Seattle Comcast [CMCSA] subs hoping to watch the NCAA’s in HD are rubbing their eyes in disbelief as local CBS affiliate KIRO-TV is not making its HD simulcast of the 64 games available to the MSO. Comcast also wasn’t able to broker a deal with the Cox Ent-owned station in time for last month’s HD Super Bowl simulcast. Comcast says it’s hoping to carry CBS’s HD signal "as soon as possible," adding that the op has already reached agreements to carry "all other local channels in HD." While negotiations are ongoing, subs are simmering. "We’ve definitely had calls," Comcast says. Ironically, the situation in Seattle mirrors a rift between a CBS affiliate in Omaha and the local cable carrier … Cox [COX] (Cfax, 1/05). The Emmis-owned KMTV wants Cox to pony up for its HD signal, a policy which conflicts with Cox’s no-charge HD policy there. Calls to Cox were not returned by press time.