HBO renewed epic drama series "Rome" for a 12-ep 2nd season to begin in the fall of ’07. Season 1 debuted Aug 28. — BBC America signed a 2-yr, multi-million dollar drama deal with Granada Intl for 160 hrs of programs. Shows included in the deal have yet to be finalized. — Starting Sept 19, all remaining Yankees games on YES Net will be presented in HD. — ESPN NHL analyst Barry Melrose will stay put, signing a long-term agreement to remain with Bristol. — IFC renewed "Henry’s Film Corner" for a 2nd season, entitling it "The Henry Rollins Show" and expanding its format. Launching in Mar, it will move from being a monthly review show to a weekly, 20-part series. — TV Land inked a deal with Lions Gate TV for reality TV pilot "I Pity the Fool," (wt) featuring Mr T. — CMT will host "One Country," a concert starring Willie Nelson, Alan Jackson and others, on Oct 1, 8pm ET. Proceeds will benefit Katrina’s victims.