On the Circuit
NAMIC Mid-Atlantic holds its 1st diversity luncheon panel Fri in DC, with Cox’s Mae Douglas, NCTA’s Kyle McSlarrow, Nat Geo’s Lauren Ong, Discovery’s Pandit Wright and C- SPAN’s Rob Kennedy speaking about diversity challenges and successes. — The Denver Chapter of Cable Positive is once again looking for donations for its silent auction, to be held during its annual musical spoof, "Positively Cable: ‘CSI Broadband,’" Nov 10. Donations need to be received by Oct 3. Contact Paul Braun, 303-649-8013 or visit http://www.positivelycable.com. The Chapter aims to top last year’s $144K donation to the AIDS organization. — Gospel Music Channel’s Katrina benefit, "Gospel Angels: A Concert to Restore Hope," drew thousands Thurs night, filling Atlanta’s Centennial Park, we’re told. — Asian-American rock bands jammed Thurs night at NY’s Knitting Factory to raise Hurricane Katrina relief funds. ImaginAsian TV was a co-sponsor.