On the Circuit
ESPN pres George Bodenheimer and Comcast CEO Brian Roberts will co-chair the 22nd Walter Kaitz Foundation dinner Sept 14 in NYC. MSNBC anchor Lester Holt will serve as master of ceremonies. Not released yet: the event’s honoree. Additional info at http://www.walterkaitz.org or 202-775-3611. (Reminder: make those Diversity Week reservations early because it falls the same week as the opening of the UN General Assembly). – Good idea from Cable Positive. At this year’s CTAM Summit, attendees can go to 4 Philly restaurants-Abbraccio Restaurant, Bistro St. Tropez, Patou and Valanni-and a portion of their meal tab will be donated to Cable Positive and Action AIDS. Info at: http://www.cablepositive.org/cablecooks.html. Cable Positive will also sell its book "Cable Cooks 2: The Inside Dish" at Summit.