Multicultural Marketing
| June 26, 2013
Time Warner Cable – Global Penny Phone Plan
The Global Penny Phone Plan enjoyed an incredibly successful launch, tracking inbound calls to the Chinese queue via tactic-specific dedicated phone numbers, connects (by type and with revenue detail) to direct mail, e-mail, banner and pre-roll impressions and clicks, increases in Chinese customer penetration and bundle migration. Despite the challenges of the launch having occurred in mid-Nov—in the aftermath of Sandy and prior to the busy holiday season between Thanksgiving and Chinese New Year—in total Time Warner Cable attracted several thousand Global Phone plan customers in NYC over its 1st 8 weeks. Calls to the Chinese queue increased, digital tactics had solid response rates with cost per click less than $1, and mail connect rates for Chinese surpassed that of most other efforts. Moreover, almost all Global Phone customers came in as Triple Plays, with new customers signing on and existing customers staying at or migrating up to Triple Play level.
Honorable Mentions
International Media Distribution and Time Warner Cable NY/NJ – Mediaset Italia Holiday Gift with Purchase Campaign
Working with Mediaset Italia’s Italy based marketing team, International Media Distribution designed the direct mail piece and Facebook ads.
Time Warner Cable NYC Fall 2012 Nexos Latinos Magazine; created and published by Eclipse Marketing Services, Inc
The magazine generated a 5.5% response rate, resulting in more than 1600 revenue-generating units being added to a target list of Hispanic customers.