More '04 Predictions
Here are a few more New Year predictions, continued from Mon’s issue: Mag Rack evp, gm Matt Strauss: On-demand and DVRs will rocket from cool to commonplace and viewer choice will help us totally rethink everything we thought we knew about programming. On-demand content providers will take leadership in differentiating VOD programming from that found anywhere else on the dial. Satellite will pick up speed with competitive promotions. Heavy hitters are predicted to leverage satellite with programming stunts that are exclusive to satellite. Mag Rack’s goal for ’04 include: creating original, multi-segment series that delve deeper into personal passions and broaden Mag Rack’s programming scope; HD-VOD- not if, but when in 2004. We are currently developing concepts for "Aviator’s World"; and to have our kids hear other people’s kids talk about Mag Rack! — A&E, svp, programming Bob Debitetto: I believe that in 2004, we’ll see the playing field become even more uneven as a result of further asset aggregation, i.e., media mergers, along the lines of what we began to see in ’03 with NBC and Bravo. This trend will continue, perhaps with a vengeance, especially in light of the NBC/Universal deal, given the cross- promotional advantages these mergers offer between broadcast and cable assets. I can predict with greater certainty that A&E Network is going to ramp up development and production, with many new series and specials in a wide range of genres targeting a younger audience that I think some people will find different and at times surprising-shows that one may not have traditionally associated with A&E. — Discovery, evp, affilate sales & marketing Bill Goodwyn: VoIP will be a significant growth opportunity for cable in ’04, and operators will begin to aggressively market the bundle (voice, data and video) to work to win back DBS subscribers. Something Cool for Our Networks in ’04: Watching the satisfaction levels of TV viewers increase dramatically after receiving Discovery HD Theater and helping subscribers take the HD plunge.