Conflicting reports here-a sr exec with knowledge of the project tells us that Fox Cable will unveil a new specialty sport HDTV diginet next week. FCN flatly denied the claim: "We’re not announcing an HDTV channel next week," CEO Anthony Vinciquerra said at deadline. Stay tuned… — ImaginAsian TV, the first 24/7 channel targeting Asian-Americans, is set to premiere Aug 30 with a mix of cable and broadcast affiliates. CEO Michael Hong anticipates having 5-8mln HHs cleared at launch; carriage negotiations are underway with Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Adelphia and RCN. The channel already has broadcast affils lined up in LA, Denver and Vegas. Programming, affiliate and charter advertiser announcements are expected within the next 2 weeks. – Simon Applebaum

The Daily


Canela Taps Quickplay for Curator Assistant

The Hispanic-focused media company Canela Media revealed it’ll use Quickplay’s AI-powered Curator Assistant to help its programming teams create storefronts and catalog rails that focus on personalization.

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Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
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