Inside The Beltway 07/09/12
The FCC’s Media Bureau now is allowing electronic filing of the following pleadings:? Informal Objections, Petitions to Deny, Petitions for Reconsideration, Applications for Review, Replies, Oppositions and Supplements. The system, however, can’t be used for pleadings relating to docketed proceedings. Click here for more information…Late last week, the Media Bureau denied Allbritton’s petition to punish Shentel Communications for failure to negotiate retrans negotiations in good faith. Following the release of the Memorandum Report & Order, American Cable Association President/CEO Matthew M. Polka commented, “ACA commends the FCC’s Media Bureau for rejecting Allbritton’s frivolous claims of bad faith directed at rural cable operator Shentel, which had made clear all along that its priority was to shield its customers from paying the 500-percent retransmission consent fee increase sought by WJLA. The absolutely wrong lesson to draw from Allbritton’s failed regulatory gambit at the FCC is that the 20-year-old retransmission consent regime is serving the public interest. On the contrary, retransmission consent is inspiring TV stations to collude at the bargaining table and rely on strategically timed blackouts to pressure pay-TV providers into paying far more than they should to allow their customers to access ‘free TV’”…A notice sent out by the U.S. Department of Energy late last week aims to allow pay-TV operators and green advocates develop guidelines to improve STB efficiencies. “If successful, a non-regulatory agreement could become effective quickly,” the agency notes.