How DragonWave Will Integrate Acquired NSN Gear
Microwave provider DragonWave Inc. is sharing more of its plans for the expansion of its portfolio to include the products that will be acquired as part of its pending purchase of the Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) microwave transport business (click here for more information).
Following a successful closing, the new products acquired from NSN would be marketed under the names “Harmony Radio,” “Harmony First Mile 200,” “Harmony Hub 800” and “Harmony Trunk.” Under the terms of the amended agreement, DragonWave will continue the support and development of these products, which will also be sold via NSN under the FlexiPacket brand through its existing channels as part of its end-to-end mobile broadband solution set.
Notes Greg Friesen, vice president/Product Management “The addition of these new products to our portfolio will significantly expand our product offering and allow us to provide optimized solutions for any network evolution. We remain committed not only to our vision for pure packet networks, but also to enabling a smooth transition from today’s networks to the networks of tomorrow.”
More on the Harmony family: NSN’s Harmony products address hybrid TDM and Packet requirements. The Harmony Radio is an all-outdoor packet radio that can be coupled with the Harmony First Mile 200 or the Harmony Hub 800 indoor units to provide support for a mixture of TDM and Ethernet interfaces. Multiple Harmony Radios can be connected to a single Harmony Indoor Unit to deliver XPIC, 1+1 and ring configurations. The Harmony Trunk provides a next-gen 1:N trunking radio for high-capacity Ethernet and SDH transport.