Doing Good
Cable in the Classroom is launching an awards program ‘Cable’s Leaders in Learning Awards’ to recognize teachers, administrators, community leaders and policymakers who’ve used cable technology and had a major influence in education youth in and out of the classroom. There also will be a special category to recognize public officials, such as members of Congress and state lawmakers. The awards period begins in Oct and will culminate in a gala DC event in ’05. — Lifetime’s "Stop The Violence Against Women" campaign was awarded an Emma Award from the National Women’s Political Caucus. — In a twist on the old how-many-undergraduates-can-you fit-inside-a-VW-Bug stunt, Trio will make a $200 donation to Cable Positive for every person who can cram inside a DeLorean. Stop by Trio’s booth (#3633) today at 11:30 and either join in or watch from a safe remove.