Deals Of The Day 07/06/12
A $2 million contract has Sandvine deploying its Policy Traffic Switch (PTS), Fairshare Traffic Management and Usage Management gear at an unnamed Top 10 U.S. telecom provider aiming to improve its DSL network. Sandvine was selected based on its proved congestion and policy-management capabilities, the buyer says…Broadcom Corporation and Emulex Corporation inked a partial settlement and worldwide patent license agreement relating to the patent litigation in the U.S. Federal District Court in Santa Ana, Calif. The deal dismisses certain Broadcom’s infringement claims against Emulex. Emulex also receives a license to Broadcom patents having to do with Fibre Channel applications in exchange for $58 million in cash. Other pending litigation between the two is ongoing…Mobile technology provider TeleCommunication Systems Inc. is paying $37 million in cash and promissory notes to buy next-gen 911 software and solutions maker microDATA GIS Inc.