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(Source: Medallia)

➢ 65% of consumers say that negative customer service interactions motivate them to consider switching to a competitor brand.

➢ 73% say they would like to provide feedback about their experience after a customer service interaction, but are more likely to do so with positive experiences.

➢ The ability to communicate with a real person (not a bot), get instant responses and have complaints resolved in real time are the top three factors customers care about when choosing a customer support channel.

➢ 96% of consumers say demonstrating empathy during a customer service interaction is important.

Up Ahead

February 7: Regional Fiber Connect; Raleigh, NC

February 28-March 3: ACA Connects Summit; DC

March 13-16: Satellite 2023; DC

March 28: Free State Foundation’s Fifteenth Annual Policy Conference; DC


“For conservatives who are rightly concerned about traditional government subsidies, I humbly suggest that extending the ACP by appropriating additional funds for the program as well within our economic principles, even when we absolutely must shrink overall federal spending… First, there is bipartisan agreement that access to broadband can be a key tool for citizen self-sufficiency and upward social mobility, and because of this, ensuring every American has access is a national policy priority… Second, broadband adoption reduces governmental costs to function and opens doors for businesses… Lastly, let’s recognize that American poverty is not isolated to urban areas but distributed throughout our country in so-called Red areas and Blue ones. The opportunity gap resulting from unequal broadband access impacts all regions.”

– Former FCC Commish Michael O’Rielly in a column on the need to allocate more funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program before program dollars run our in 2024

The Daily


Nexstar Opens Share Repurchase Program

Nexstar ’s board approved a new share repurchase program to allow the company to repurchase up to $1.5 billion of common stock. The

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Jul 31
2024 Diversity & Pride List Awards Nominations close July 31st.
Aug 19
2024 Top Ops Awards The Magazine releases August 19, 2024.
Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
Full Calendar


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