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(Source: Omdia)

➢ FAST chanel revenue grew almost 20 times between 2019 and 2022, and is set to triple between 2022 and 2027 to $12 billion.

➢ More than 1,500 FAST channels are already available in the U.S.

➢ The U.S. accounts for approximately 90% of the global FAST channel market at just under $4 billion in 2022. Much of the growth over the next several years will occur outside of the U.S.

➢ The top five FAST markets in 2027 are expected to be, in order, the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Germany and Brazil.

Up Ahead

February 7: Regional Fiber Connect; Raleigh, NC

February 28-March 3: ACA Connects Summit; DC

March 13-16: Satellite 2023; DC

March 28: Free State Foundation’s Fifteenth Annual Policy Conference; DC


“I don’t want to amend it. I want to just keep it as it is… I think it’s basically a football for both parties to hold hostage in exchange for what they want, which is more favorable treatment from platforms with their speech preferences… The fact is Section 230 provides incentives for content moderation today. So all the objectives that Democrats have, I believe, with respect to wanting platforms to moderate content are actually encouraged by Section 230… The fact is if 230 went away, platforms would have a choice between being Disneyland, a very sanitized environment, or a wasteland to moderate nothing… We have a war between the parties over political speech online and Section 230 gets held as hostage. I don’t really think they’re genuine attempts to reform 230.”

– Chamber of Progress Founder/CEO Adam Kovacevich at an ITIF webinar discussing whether Congress should reform Section 230


The Daily


Nexstar Opens Share Repurchase Program

Nexstar ’s board approved a new share repurchase program to allow the company to repurchase up to $1.5 billion of common stock. The

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Jul 31
2024 Diversity & Pride List Awards Nominations close July 31st.
Aug 19
2024 Top Ops Awards The Magazine releases August 19, 2024.
Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
Full Calendar


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