CableLabs: ITV to Play Major Role at The Cable Show
Enhanced TV and tru2way interactive TV applications will play a major role at The Cable Show ’09 being held next week in Washington, D.C., according to a CableLabs announcement.
With collaboration from consumer electronics companies, as well as information technology companies and software developers, the CableLabs tru2way specifications define advanced cable devices, including retail and leased devices, for cable operators, programmers, and advertisers to deploy interactive applications nationwide. EBIF defines a simplified data format for interactive applications that can run on legacy leased devices with more limited resources.
tru2way technology will have a large presence in the Broadband Nation industry exhibit and in more than a dozen demonstrations on the exhibit floor and within the CableNET pavilion. CableNET is a technology showcase co-sponsored by CableLabs and the National Cable and Telecommunications Association.