CableFAX: 58. Doing Drama (and Comedy) Wright: Michael Wright
Michael Wright
Title: EVP, Programming, TNT, TBS and Turner Classic Movies
Age: 47
Education: BA, UCLA
Why Him? Michael Wright is a key architect in the expansion of original programming on TNT and TBS. Near all of Wright’s scheduling additions this year have been the right stuff — HawthoRNe has resuscitated Tuesday nights as it’s the #1 basic cable show for 25-54s and Dark Blue has, in typical Bruckheimer fashion, launched explosively.
Done Deals: Wright has collected a Hollywood Who’s Who of programming partners, including an untitled project with Steven Spielberg and a new animated series from executive producer Jeffrey Katzenberg, and will be bringing popular everyman Ray Romano back to the small screen in December with Men of a Certain Age.
Year Ahead:
Wright will be busy balancing his many networks. TBS launches Lopez Tonight. Turner Classic Movies will see the debut of Moguls & Movie Stars: A History of Hollywood. TNT has adopted critically-acclaimed Southland from NBC, which will hopefully thrive in its new environment.