CableFAX: 53. Food Maestro: Brooke Johnson
Brooke Johnson
Title: President, Food Network
Age: 50-something
Education: BA, Northwestern; MSJ, Medill
Social Media Quotient: 3
Why Her? Johnson continues to propel Food into the ratings and pop-culture stratosphere. The net now posts the highest ratings in its history and is a key justification point for Scripps Networks as it heads into license renewals with an eye toward higher fees. As Johnson continues to guide Food into increasingly lofty heights, it’s interesting to note that she’s also a classically trained pianist. Fitting since her leadership has been music to Scripps’ ears.
When I Need to Recharge, I: Play the piano.
A Day Without Facebook is: The norm.
Trait I Most Admire in People: Honesty
Three Things I’d Take to a Deserted Island: A guitar, Shakespeare, wine
Childhood Hero: Teddy Roosevelt
I Wish My Kids Would: Get jobs