CableFAX: 44. Smart Start: Peter Stern
Peter Stern
Title: EVP/Chief Strategy Officer, Time Warner Cable
Age: 50
Education: BA, Music and English, Harvard; JD, Yale
Social Media Quotient: 0
Why Him? Arguably one of cable’s most brilliant thinkers, for several years Stern’s been the loudest public exponent of the concepts that led to TV Everywhere. He’s also credited with driving innovations like the Emmy Award-winning Start Over.
Starting Over Indeed: Stern is leading the refocus of Time Warner Cable’s strategy to fit its new standalone status. The meticulous Stern is said to be eyeing virtually every company function.
Year Ahead:
As with all MSOs, the economy is a wild card; with Stern the progress of TV Everywhere will be crucial to his 2010.
Drink of Choice: Water
In 2010 Cable Will: Get even more interesting and the pace will further accelerate, however improbable that seems.
To Recharge I: Play piano.
Last Book Read: Physics of the Impossible (with my son)
Fave iPhone/Blackberry App: Email
Trait I Most Admire in People: Patience, as I am constantly challenged on this trait
If I Were a Mad Men Character I Would Be: Unable to work after lunch.
Childhood Hero: My mom
I Wish My Kids Would: Stay the exact age they are right now
Favorite TV Show: Any show I can "Start Over"
Favorite Part of My Job: The people