Dave Cassaro

Title: President, Comcast Net Ad Sales
Age: Old enough
Education: BA, Marist College; PhD, College of Hard Knocks
Social Media Quotient: 7

Why Him? Cassaro cemented his spot on our list for one reason: his epic Hall of Fame acceptance video at CableFAX’s Sales Executive of the Year awards, based on the movie 300 ("This… is… ad sales!"). Of course we’re kidding. Cassaro is here because he’s among the most savvy and hardest working ad-sales guys in cable — with a keen sense of humor to boot. His prediction for the coming year? "2010 will be a year of growth, for the business, but not my waist line." Wish we could all say that.

Worth Watching: His next acceptance video. (OK, we’ll stop now.) Cassaro’s biggest challenge will be integration issues that inevitably arise from the Comcast-NBCU merger.

Year Ahead:

Cassaro’s influence may depend heavily on how Comcast-NBCU shakes out.

Favorite Food: Italian or sushi… depending on the day

Restaurant: Il Tinello or Koi…depending on the day

Drinks: Winter: cabernet, Summer: sauvignon blanc

Prediction for Cable in 2010: Continued growth

When I Need to Recharge, I: Go down to the beach with Clark ( see picture).

Last Book Read: The Match

Favorite iPhone/Blackberry App: Weather (in the cities I’m traveling to!)

A Day Without Facebook is: Fine.

Trait I Most Admire in People: Integrity

Three Things I’d Take to a Deserted Island: My wife, my dog Clark, my boat

If I Were a Mad Men Character, I Would Be: Don Draper… who else?

Childhood Hero: Mickey Mantle

I Wish My Kids Would: Visit more.

In 2010, the Economy Will: Get better.

Favorite Show: Big Love

Favorite Part of My Job: Putting people in the right roles and seeing them succeed.

The Daily


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At a time when investments in DEI efforts are being questioned, NAMIC is checking in to remind the industry of the tangible change these initiatives are making.

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Cablefax 100 Awards Nominations Open November 13th, 2024.
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