Randy Brown
Title: SVP of Affiliate Sales and Marketing, Outdoor Channel
Age: As young as the hills
Education: BBA, Western Michigan University; MBA, Loyola University Chicago
Social Media Quotient: 1

Why Him? The soft-spoken but effective Brown was honored at our inaugural CableFax SEOY Awards in 2009 (Affiliate Salesperson – Mid-Sized Networks) for his mighty accomplishments. In ’08 and ’09, Brown renewed deals with Comcast, Charter and DirecTV; successfully navigated repositioning in CO, OH, AZ and NM; increased sub growth by 2.4 million homes, and closed deals to reach more than 550,000 subscribers in Mexico, Columbia, Venezula and Costa Rica. All this in a challenging economic climate — while still occasionally escaping to the environment that fuels his love for the Outdoor in the first place ( observe profile picture).

Year Ahead:

We think Brown will keep building on his international success in ’10. Outdoor Channel recently formed strategic partnerships to help extend its reach into Europe and Latin America.

Favorite Food: Anything prepared in my wife’s kitchen (well done, Randy).

When I Need to Recharge, I…: Head for a nearby hiking trail.

Last Book Read: The Wilderness Warrior — Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America

Trait I Most Admire in People: Professionalism

Favorite TV Show Not on Outdoor: Man vs. Wild

Favorite Part of My Job: This year, I’d have to say leading my team to 16% sub growth amidst a down economy.

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