Evan Shapiro
Title: President, IFCtv, Sundance Channel
Age: Independently rated
Education: College drop out
Social Media Quotient: 10

Why Him? After adding Sundance to his portfolio last year, Shapiro has characteristically kept things creative, pioneering a range of digital and VOD efforts. Sundance’s Sundance Selects series, which launched in late summer, is the first transactional on-demand platform for feature-length docs.

Bluths Go Indie: A fall deal to secure rights to Arrested Development is sure to reap benefits.

Year Ahead:

Shapiro’s made smart choices so far.

Favorite Food: My wife’s cookies

Drink of Choice: Pabst Blue Ribbon

When I Need to Recharge, I…: Work out.

Last Book Read: Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Prof. Cass R. Sunstein

Twitter is…: An important new platform, an undefined business model and a wholly over-hyped phenomena; a sound made by a bird or a little girl.

Trait I Most Admire in People: Patience

Three Things I’d Take to a Deserted Island: A picture of my family, a television with a LONG cable and a boat

If I Were a Mad Men Character, I Would be: The other Jew.

Childhood Hero: My grandfather, Jules

Favorite TV Show not on Rainbow: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Favorite Part of My Job: Two words: The people

Best Business Advice Received: Do what you do best, every day.

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For Charter CEO Chris Winfrey, when you push one-time events aside, the underlying trend for subscribers is actually slightly better YOY.

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