Dave Cassaro
Title: Pres, Comcast Net Ad Sales
Last Year: #44
Age: 25-54
Education: Marist College & School of Hard Knocks

Why Him? Last March, Cassaro launched a yearlong G4 initiative, "Hunting With Lightsabers: A Field Guide to Men 18-34," to help increase understanding of the young male demographic and dispel old beliefs from the minds of advertisers. In May, he spearheaded creation of the Comcast Sports Sales Group, including Versus and The Golf Channel, adding them to a sales portfolio that includes entertainment (E!, Style and G4), emerging networks (Sprout, FEARNet and Exercise TV) and new media/online offerings.

Big Break: June deal between Comcast and the Big Ten Network opened new ad sales opportunities.

Year Ahead:
In a recession, the ad budget often is the first line item cut.

Restaurant: North Fork Table & Inn

Drink of Choice: Vino

Music: Blues

Unnecessary Luxury I Like Most Is: Good vino

Fave TV Show: Curb Your Enthusiasm

In ’09 I Resolve To: Complete a "Century" (100 mile bike ride) and break 80 in golf

Cable’s Biggest Challenge: Continued ratings growth

Best Business Advice Received: Listen more than you speak

I Wish My Kids Would: Come home more often

Favorite Word: Yes

Least Favorite Word: Hate

Sports Teams: Jets and Mets

Heroes: My grandfather and father


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Paramount Shareholder Sues Over Skydance Merger

A Paramount shareholder filed a lawsuit in Delaware’s Court of Chancery on Wednesday seeking to block the merger agreement with Skydance Media . The lawsuit from shareholder Scott Baker alleges that

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