CableFAX: 47. Mr. Inside/Mr. Outside
BIll Bresnan
Title: Chairman/CEO, Bresnan Communications
Age: 76
Education: South Central College
Social Media Quotient: 1
Jeffery DeMond
Title: President, Bresnan Communications
Age: Remembers when the Crimson Tide last won a title.
Education: BS, Accounting, Jazz, U of AL, think Bear Bryant
Social Media Quotient: 4
Why Them? A top-flight jazz guitarist, DeMond brings "a special brand of quiet financial and management savvy" to cable, an admiring Bill Bresnan says. And 51-year cable veteran Bresnan just might be the most respected man in the business.
Proud Moments: This summer Bresnan won our Community Service Award (MSO-wide) for teaching parents and kids about Internet safety and providing grants to fledgling businesses. What a nice way to celebrate Bresnan’s 25th anniversary. So was winning Montana’s data business (700 sites).
The Year Ahead:
Bresnan continues to add services for its 300K subs in 4 states, data sub growth is strong at 11.5% and there’s an upside in commercial offerings.
Drink of Choice: Jack Daniels
Favorite Part of My Job: Personal interaction with one of he best teams in the industry.
Trait I Most Admire in People: Loyalty
Childhood Hero: My mother
Best Business Advice: My mentor Jack Kent Cooke’s insistence on honesty, and his suggestion that the seven most important words in business are "I don’t know but I’ll find out."
Favorite Food: More than I should eat of almost anything.
Fave Restaurant: They’re all in Paris
Drink of Choice: Pinot Noir
Last Book Read: River of Doubt