Michael Willner

Title: CEO, Insight Comm
Age: 57 ½
Education: BS, Boston U School of Communications
Social Media Quotient: 8

Dinni Jain
Title: COO, Insight Comm
Age: Contrary to rumors, I am old enough to vote
Education: My body/brain went to Princeton, but my heart stayed at UNC
Social Media Quotient: 2

Why Them? They’re seemingly the ideal complementary pair for Insight, Willner the customer service maven with a strong industry voice and Jain the operational guru. Willner’s trailblazing accessibility includes blog MichaelsInsight.com and sites such as Broadbandreports.com, which he’s frequented for years to solve customer problems. Jain’s exploits include a net gain of 10,500 basic subs in ’09’s first 3 Qs combined while growing revenue and RGUs. There’s also Digital 5.0, which includes a 100% digital plant, more HD channels and new DVR features, and a rollout of broadband speeds of up to 30Mbps by 2010.

Speeding: With broadband key on the Hill, many will be eyeing Insight’s speed push and the adoption rates for its new broadband services in a relatively small slice of America.

The Year Ahead:

Insight’s firm grasp of its customer base should lead to even greater business success.


Favorite Food: Anything Italian

Favorite Restaurant: Ouest in NYC

Drink of Choice: Grey Goose

’10 Cable Prediction: The market will, once again, see our value.

When I Need to Recharge, I…: Plug myself in.

Twitter is…: An unexplainable fad.

Trait I Most Admire in People: Honesty with a heart.

3 Things I’d Take to a Deserted Island: My wife and two kids but the kids wouldn’t come, so then the two dogs.

In ’10, the Economy Will…: Bottom

Favorite TV Show: Morning Joe

Favorite Part of My Job: Strategic thinking

Best Business Advice Received: Be truthful and straight.


Twitter is…: The perfect name for a website designed for twits.

A Day Without FaceBook is…: Basically like everyday for me.

If I Were a Mad Men Character, I’d be…: In the hospital dying with lung cancer, but at least I would look cool.

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