Rich Battista
Title: President, Fox Cable Networks
Last Year: #78
Age: 44
Education: Georgetown U, BS; Harvard Business School, MBA

Why Him? Yes, Battista’s brand new to the job, but have you seen his portfolio? FX, Nat Geo, Fox Movie, Fox Reality, Fuel, Speed, Fox Soccer, Fox College Sports, Fox Sports en Español and Big Ten, not to mention Fox Cable Ad Sales. Plus, he’s a familiar face at Fox, returning to the fold after a stint as CEO of Gemstar-TV Guide. Given the respect Peter Chernin has for him, we can’t help but wonder if he’s being groomed to eventually take the reins from Fox chief Tony Vinciquerra (#7). "We’ve been looking for the right opportunity for Rich to rejoin our team ever since the Gemstar sale," Vinciquerra said. That had to make Battista feel good.

Worth Watching: With Big Ten having wrapped deals with major cable ops, we’re anxious to see brand-builder Battista’s leverage moves. Recall he helped conceive Nat Geo.

Year Ahead:
With Big Ten done, Battista can focus on other things.

Unnecessary Luxury I Like Most:  Having dry cleaning picked up and delivered

Favorite Show Not On My Network: 30 Rock

Favorite Part of My Job: Working at a company that never rests on its laurels.

I Wish My Kids Would: Say, just once, that I’m the boss of the house, instead of their mom!

The Trait You Most Admire In People: Humanity

Favorite Team: Red Sox

My Hero: Daniel, the lead in The Karate Kid (I can relate to a skinny Italian kid in high school!)


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