Brad Knight
Title: CEO, Retirement Living TV
Last Year: #99
Age: 49, just one year away from being in the largest and most powerful demographic in the country — adults 50+
Education: Three years of working for the leader in the field of aging, RLTV’s founder, John Erickson, plus years in the military have prepared me for everything the cable industry can throw at me!

Why Him? Knight’s in this last slot, although also worthy are execs from carriage seekers like Gospel Music and Sportsman. But newly minted CEO Knight and RLTV seem to be the most aggressive. Carriage-wise, it’s still uphill, with RLTV lingering around 29mln subs. But its shows are turning heads, as is talent like Walter Cronkite, Dr. Ruth and CFAX fave Florence Henderson, who’s also become a cable darling for informing seniors about the coming digital transition.

Proud Moments: Carrying the first AARP-branded shows Inside E Street and My Generation.

Year Ahead:
Original programming was down this year, and the network continues to shop for additional carriage.

Drink of Choice: A double

Unnecessary Luxury I Like Most: GPS with Google Earth

Favorite Show Not on RLTV: Nova

In ’09 I Resolve To: Help improve the aging process in America

Cable’s Biggest Challenge: Being stuck in a world of 18-49s. 50+ is where this is going.

Best Business Advice Received: It’s not the big that eat the small, it’s the fast that eat the slow.

My Company Is Preparing for the Future By: Investing in the demographic that controls 77% of the nation’s wealth

Philosophy: Fail on the side of trying.

Least Favorite Word: Antiquated

Trait I Most Admire: Tenacity


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