Cable Nets Add to Congestion on the Blogosphere
Earlier this year CNN started reporting on the blogosphere, the unruly world of Web logs. Other tech-savvy cable networks are reaching out to their audiences with their own blogs. A&E created a tattoo culture website to promote the launch of its new real-life series, Inked. IFC GM Evan Shapiro started writing a "Captain’s Blog" from the Cannes Film Festival in May. Bravo posts blogs by its on-air talent on its website. Fox News Channel and MSNBC on-air talent write their own blogs. MSNBC introduced Hardblogger, a regular feature on-air and online, before last year’s Democratic and Republican conventions; CNN also hosted its own convention blogs. Sci Fi hosts a vlog—or video blog—from Battlestar Galactica executive producer David Eick. Networks vlogging with viewer-contributed video include Current, the Gen Y channel from Al Gore, Joel Hyatt & Co.; Expo TV, which is inviting visitors to its website to tape product reviews; and New England Cable News, which this month started using contributors’ video online, on-air and on Comcast VOD. Travel Channel is both blogging and vlogging on its website, featuring the on-air hosts of its new series, 5 Takes Europe.