Karen Brown Tom Zappala to VP-program acquisitions and scheduling, from SVP-programming for Viacom. Robert Daleo to regional director of sales and marketing, from regional director of video products marketing. Jonathan H. Walter to director of information technology, financial services, from senior director of IT financial services for AT&T Broadband. Theresa Weston to assistant controller, from controller of WSTM-TV (Channel 3) in Syracuse. Mark Wasserstrom to VP-financial planning, from heading several business planning groups at Cablevision Systems Corp. Arthur Orduna to VP-strategic development initiatives, from Canal Plus Technologies. Cleary Simpson to SVP-global marketing solutions, from EVP of Sports Illustrated, responsible for Sports Illustrated Women and Sports Illustrated for Kids. Jodi Friedman to director of programming, from district manager for Starz Encore. David Chesnick to national director, field marketing/core video services, from national manager, field marketing/core video services. Tom Keaveny to SVP and general sales manager for Latin American and Iberia, from VP-affiliate sales and marketing for Discovery Networks, Europe. Greg Neal to VP-creative services for Scripps Networks’ 24-hour lifestyle channel, from director, creative services. Darby Sanchez to CEO of GlobeCast Asia, from VP-Latin America sales. Lynn Gardner to director of public affairs, from consultant. Stacey Lynn Koerner to EVP and director of global research integration, from SVP and director of broadcast research. Skip Desjardin to director of sales for the Time Warner Cable account team, from VP-video products group for ESPN. Paige Holmes to director for the Adelphia Communications group, from director of sales for the Time Warner Cable account team. Dan Ferguson to director of sales for the DirecTV account team, from manager, strategic initiatives. Christian Vesper to VP-acquisitions for Sundance Channel Entertainment, from executive director, ancillary rights acquisitions. Laura Molen to VP, director of ad sales, from SVP, general sales manager, for Paramount Advertiser Services, a division of the Paramount Domestic Television Group. Hidejiro Shimomitsu to president and CEO, from VP/GM of the personal computer division, international operations, in Japan. Cliff Lachman to SVP-production and development, from heading up first-run programming development at Twentieth Television.