AT&T Conducts Network Disaster Recovery Exercise
AT&T is conducting a Network Disaster Recovery (NDR) exercise at the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington, D.C., through July 17 in conjunction with its AT&T Business Continuity Forum.
AT&T NDR exercises are designed to test, evaluate and refine how well AT&T can facilitate recovery from emergencies, ranging from hurricanes to terrorist attacks. The NDR exercise is a key component of AT&T’s business continuity plan to ensure communications can be restored quickly to its government and business customers. The AT&T NDR Washington, D.C., exercise is the 54th technical recovery exercise conducted in the field and the largest exercise the NDR team has ever conducted. The NDR exercise features more than 45 disaster recovery trailers and vehicles, including 28 semi-tractor trailers, two emergency communications vehicles, four hazmat trailers and one Satellite COLT (cell on light truck).
Last year, AT&T announced that the NDR team consolidated wireless, wired and backbone network recovery capabilities, enabling AT&T to bring an integrated approach to disaster recovery.
Since 1992, the NDR team has been activated more than a dozen times in response to disasters, including restoring service after the tornadoes in Oklahoma in 1999; the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001; and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005.