Jim McCaffrey
Title: EVP Operations and Strategy & Chief Strategy Officer, Turner Broadcasting System
Years in Cable: 16
Education: Bachelor’s Cornell University; MBA New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Best Advice in 7 Words Or Less: You must speak to be heard.
Dan Darling
Title: Chief Information Officer/ SVP Technology, Production & Operations, Turner Broadcasting System
Years in Cable: 26
Education: B.S. in Biology University of Akron
Best Advice in 7 Words Or Less: Live each day like it’s your last.
Trish Jones
Title: SVP/Chief Emerging Technology Officer, Turner Broadcasting System
Years in Cable: 11
Education: BBA Spring Hill College; Juris Doctor, Georgetown University
Best Advice in 7 Words Or Less: Say please and thank you.
Why Them? Turner comrades McCaffrey, Jones and Darling are a tireless technology trio driving the company’s explosive digital business growth. As head of the company’s technology, operations and strategy, McCaffrey devoted 2011 to integrating emerging digital technology that supports Turner’s network content on new platforms. Jones created Turner’s Audience & Media-Platform Technologies (AMPT) group, charged with developing/executing technology and data solutions for such digital business initiatives as TV Everywhere and 80-plus mobile device products. And Darling oversees all network operations, technology services, studios and broadcast engineering functions. In 2011, his leadership was pivotal in creating an operational infrastructure for new delivery systems and products.
Year Ahead: Turner’s trio of McCaffrey, Jones and Darling will devote 2012 to continuing their large-scale technology recruiting effort and establishing Turner as an industry digital technology leader.