Bonnie Hammer

Title: Chairwoman, NBCU Cable Entertainment and Cable Studios (pictured, left)
Years in Cable: 24Education: BA/MA, Boston University
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: There’s no such word as “can’t.”

Lauren Zalaznick

Title: Chairwoman, Entertainment & Digital Networks and Integrated Media, NBCU
Years in Cable: 17Education: Brown University
Best Advice: High hopes, low expectations.
Why Them? As two of the most authoritative female executives in the business, these veteran cablers continue to climb the corporate ladder, seemingly five rungs at a time. Both Hammer and Zalaznick are thriving in the merged NBCU-Comcast world, adding a heap of fresh ventures to their already-packed portfolios. In her new chair role, Zalaznick takes on eight additional businesses, including Fandango, DailyCandy and Telemundo, alongside already booming Bravo. With current USA and Syfy, Hammer ropes in E! Entertainment, G4, Chiller, Sleuth, Universal HD and Universal Cable Productions. Team Players: While they’re proven leaders in their own right, both executives are quick to laud their supporting teams—a modus operandi that’s no doubt made the corporate transition that much easier.

Year Ahead: Skeptics of the successful merging of two behemoths have been rather quiet of late…

Bonnie Hammer
Personal theme song:
“With a Little Help from My Friends”
Favorite “going out” town: New York… Is there any other?
Favorite Starbucks order: Venti soy chai… I’m addicted.
Sports team: I couldn’t face my husband or kid if I didn’t say the Knicks.
What puzzles me most about Millennials is: Their ability to multitask. How are they able to juggle so many different information sources all at the same time?
What I admire most about Millennials is: Their ability to multitask.

Lauren Zalaznick
One thing I tell my kids about success in life:
It comes to you every day, but in ways most people don’t measure.
Worst thing heard in a meeting: “Will the little cartoon characters look more realistic in the actual commercial?” (as client is looking at storyboards).
Favorite Starbucks order: Grande non-fat, no-foam, half-caf latte
Favorite sports team: New York Yankees

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The FCC ’s Privacy and Data Protection Task Force and Enforcement Bureau have struck Memorandums of Understanding with five additional state attorneys general tied to privacy, data protection and

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