Hank Fore
Title: SVP, California Region, Comcast Cable
Number of Years in Cable: 10
Education: 18 Years, United States Military Academy, West Point Undergraduate
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Take No Prisoners!

Why Him? Fore’s motto seems to be “No time to waste.” He became SVP for the region in October 2012, and already he and his team have launched Xfinity WiFi and Comcast’s advanced X1 Platform in California, as well as a cloud-based DVR. Comcast is also increasing the speeds of two of its most popular Xfinity Internet speed plans. Santa Cruz has a particular reason to cheer, too, as the city has just become an all-digital delivery system area.

Apple or Samsung? Apple
Beatles or The Rolling Stones? Beatles
The one thing I’d do differently if I could go back to high school: Date a different girlfriend.
On a Saturday afternoon, you can find me… flying my airplane.
This is the hobby I’ve been itching to try, but haven’t found time: Playing the guitar.
My new year’s resolution for 2014 will be… play the guitar.
My peers would be surprised to learn that I… ran the torch for the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.
Favorite decade? ‘70s – Pittsburgh Steelers dominated!
Favorite airport? Portland, Oregon
The best piece of business advice I’ve gotten this year: Trust but validate!
Celebrity, sports figure or politician I’d most want to have dinner with? Roberto Clemente
If I could tell my 21-year-old self something today, it would be…  start saving now!!

The Daily


FCC Launches Update to Broadband Health Map

The FCC updated its Mapping Broadband Health in America platform Friday to include new variables to better examine maternal health. Now, the platform allows users to visualize and survey

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Apr 16
Cablefax 100 Awards Nominations Open November 13th, 2024.
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