31. Steve Friedman
31. Steve Friedman
COO, Wave Broadband
Years in Cable: 29
Education: BS, USC
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Think on behalf of the customer.
Friedman reigned as ACA president for three years. During his tenure, he worked tirelessly to raise the visibility of retrans consent reform and put it on the national agenda—an issue that remains top of mind. He told CableFAX that cable operators must “fight to revise the retrans rules that allow local broadcasters to dictate rates and terms of carriage, including allowing operators to tier broadcast channels, eliminating antiquated FCC rules and ceasing broadcast duopolies. The current rules only harm consumers.”
My favorite meal that I can also prepare myself: BBQ burgers with a steamed artichoke
The one topping that should never be put on a hot dog: Salsa
The biggest innovation in cable over the last year has been…The development of alternate set top providers who can now offer additional services (e.g., IP video; multiroom) that challenge the control of set top technology by Cisco and Motorola
The one thing I tell my kids about success in life: Follow your passion when you decide what you want to do with your life
Bands I would actually go see live: Beach Boys, Eagles
My favorite business and/or motivational books: “Lasting Lessons: The Legendary Coach Teaches the Timeless Fundamentals of Leadership,” by Bo Schembechler
My favorite sports team: San Francisco Giants
My favorite vacation spot: A city with a baseball park I haven’t visited
My guilty television pleasure is: “Maverick” (television western starring James Garner)
When it comes to retransmission consent, cable operators should…fight to revise the retrans rules that allow local broadcasters to dictate rates and terms of carriage, including allowing operators to tier broadcast channels, eliminating antiquated FCC rules (Network nondup and syndex), and ceasing broadcast duopolies. The current rules only harm consumers.
What puzzles me most about Millennials is… Their entitlement attitude
What I admire most about Millennials is… They aren’t impressed just because you are the boss