Why Him? With Mac Budill leaving for NBCU, Montemagno stepped into the job with ease, having worked on numerous programming agreements over the past 12 months and securing rights to enable a TV Everywhere lineup that exceeds 50 channels. His No. 1 objective: Keeping programming costs under control. Everyone knows how big a priority that is for Cablevision given its lawsuit against Viacom that seeks to break the programming sales model that makes it difficult to refuse the bundle. Despite having a job known for rancor at times, Montemagno is described as a “quiet force.” Unless you’re in the roller hockey rink with him, then watch out.
The one thing I’d do differently if I could go back to high school: Nothing… I met my wonderful wife in high school.
My peers would be surprised to learn that I… play competitive roller hockey 10 months out of the year. It’s a great stress release from this job!
Celebrity, sports figure or politician I’d most want to have dinner with? Wayne Gretzky
The biggest lesson I learned from my kid(s) this year was… to loosen up and live it up a little.
Favorite vacation spot? Anywhere in the Carribean. ?