Ralph Martinez
Title: Regional SVP, Twin Cities Region, Comcast Cable
Number of Years in Cable: 8
Education: BA, Business
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Make things happen vs. watching things happen!

Why Him? Martinez leads nearly 2K employees through a wide variety of game-changing challenges, including the introduction of X1 Platform, with a hands-on and face-to-face leadership style. As a result, employee satisfaction is on the rise within his ranks. Customers have also benefitted: Continued focus on lowering repeat customer service calls has made the Twin Cities region one of Comcast’s top performers in this category.

The other subject I wish I’d picked for my college major: Law
Favorite decade? The ‘80s—the music, fashion styles and hair! 
The best piece of business advice I’ve gotten this year: Life begins at the edge of our comfort zone.
I watch the majority of programming on this device: My iPad  
Favorite business and/or motivational book? Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun
Favorite vacation spot? Visiting wineries in the Napa Valley

The Daily


Levin Reads Tea Leaves on Starlink’s Place in BEAD

New Street Research analyst and Brookings nonresident senior fellow Blair Levin has been peppered with all sorts of questions about Donald Trump’s second term as president.

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Apr 16
Cablefax 100 Awards Nominations Open November 13th, 2024.
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